Sunday, September 24, 2017

Asymmetric Information & Its Impact on Market Participants

"Asymmetric information, sometimes referred to as information failure, is present whenever one party to an economic transaction possesses greater material knowledge than the other party. This normally manifests itself when the seller of a good or service has greater knowledge than the buyer, although the opposite is possible. Almost all economic transactions involve information asymmetries.

Asymmetric information is the specialization and division of knowledge in society as applied to economic trade. For example, medical doctors tend to know more about medical treatment than their patients; after all, those doctors specialize in medicine, while their patients do not. The same principle applies to manufacturers, teachers, police officers, attorneys, restaurant operators and yoga instructors, or any other specialized profession.

Economic Advantages
Growing asymmetrical information is a desirable outcome of a market economy. As workers specialize and become more productive in their fields of expertise, they can provide greater levels of value to workers in other fields. For example, a stockbroker’s services are less valuable to customers who already know enough to buy and sell their own stocks with confidence.
One alternative to ever-expanding asymmetric information is for workers to study in all fields, rather than specializing in those fields where they can provide the most value. This comes with large opportunity costs and would likely result in a lower level of aggregate output, lowering standards of living.
Another alternative is to make information abundantly and cheaply available, such as through the internet. This does not replace asymmetric information, however. It only has the effect of moving information asymmetries away from simpler areas and into more complex areas.

Possible Problems
In certain circumstances, asymmetric information may lead to adverse selection or moral hazard. These are situations where individual economic decisions are hypothetically worse than they would have been had all parties possessed more symmetrical information. Most of the time, the solutions to adverse selection and moral hazard are not complicated.

Consider adverse selection in life insurance or fire insurance. Higher-risk insurance customers, such as smokers, the elderly or those living in dry environments, may be more likely to purchase insurance. This could raise insurance premiums for all customers, forcing the healthiest to drop out. The solution is to perform actuarial work and insurance screening, then charge different premiums to different customers based on potential risk."
Source: Article 'Asymmetric Information' published on Investopedia

“Following the seminal work of Stiglitz and Weiss (1981), a large theoretical literature has stressed the key role of asymmetric information in lending markets. A majority of studies shows that asymmetric information can generate market failures such as credit rationing, inefficient provision, mispricing of risk, and, in the limit, market breakdown. Moreover, a financial crisis can exacerbate the negative effects of adverse selection and moral hazard in financial markets (Mishkin 2012). Deepening our understanding of the extent and effects of asymmetric information is key for the design of a regulatory framework that limits their negative consequences. The theory has analysed the effects of asymmetric information mostly under the assumption of a perfectly competitive credit market, an assumption that is not likely to hold in many relevant markets. Correspondingly, there is no clear evidence of the effects of the interaction of asymmetric information and imperfect competition in lending markets.” As stated in article titled ‘Asymmetric information and imperfect competition in lending markets’ on

Saturday, September 16, 2017

Economic Survey 2017: Eight Interesting Facts That You Should Know!


Did you know that India has 7 taxpayers for every 100 voters? Or, the fact that rating agencies have upgraded China, while India’s credit rating has been unchanged – something that the Survey challenges. We take a look at 8 interesting facts about India, as highlighted by the Economic Survey 2017:

1) Indians on The Move
New estimates based on railway passenger traffic data reveal annual work-related migration of about 9 million people, almost double what the 2011 Census suggests.

2) Biases in Perception
China’s credit rating was upgraded from AA- to A+  in December 2010 while India’s has remained unchanged at BBB-. From 2009 to 2015, China’s credit-to-GDP soared from about 142 percent to 205 percent and its growth decelerated. The contrast with India’s indicators is striking.

3) New Evidence on Weak Targeting of Social Programs
Welfare spending in India suffers from misallocation: as the pair of charts show, the districts with the most poor (in red on the left) are the ones that suffer from the greatest shortfall of funds (in red on the right) in social programs. The districts accounting for the poorest 40% receive 29% of the total funding

4) Political Democracy but Fiscal Democracy?
India has 7 taxpayers for every 100 voters ranking us 13th amongst 18 of our democratic G-20 peers.

5) India’s Distinctive Demographic Dividend
India’s share of working age to non-working age population will peak later and at a lower level than that for other countries but last longer. The peak of the growth boost due to the demographic dividend is fast approaching, with peninsular states peaking soon and the hinterland states peaking much later

6) India Trades More Than China and a Lot Within Itself
As of 2011, India’s openness – measured as the ratio of trade in goods and services to GDP has far overtaken China’s, a country famed for using trade as an engine of growth. India’s internal trade to GDP is also comparable to that of other large countries and very different from the caricature of a barrier-riddled economy.

7) Divergence within India, Big Time
Spatial dispersion in income is still rising in India in the last decade (2004-14), unlike the rest of the world and even China. That is, despite more porous borders within India than between countries internationally, the forces of “convergence” have been elusive.

8) Property Tax Potential Unexploited
Evidence from satellite data indicates that Bengaluru and Jaipur collect only between 5% to 20% of their potential property taxes.

The analysis carried out for the Survey has found that greater service delivery is correlated with more resources, own revenue, staffing and capital spending per capita. Currently, tax revenues are not constrained by inadequate taxation powers of ULBs (Urban Local Bodies). One promising source is property tax.