Thursday, July 30, 2015

Even Eagles Need a Push...


Unknown said...

Inspiring video about efforts and life of eagle. This video motivates us to drew courage just like eagle. Just like an eagle child has to discover its wings itself and understand the privilege to be born as an eagle, we too have to understand the privilege to be born as human and discover our role in this world. Just as eagle PUSH and flew we too need this PUSH and need to give it.

sarthak jain

Arun B. Prasad said...

Dear Sarthak,

Can't agree more with what you have described.
Parents, Teachers and people around us always Push us...
It is how we take it that matters.

Unknown said...

Sorry sir as i could not understand the correct message given in video. But now after seeing it again i agree that just like a mother eagle encourages her child until it discover its wings and flew, our parents too persuade us to understand our role in this world. All the people around us always push us, how we take that PUSH that matters.Sometimes we need that push and sometimes we need to give it.

Unknown said...

Really an inspirational video..eagle being such a powerful bird..thn too she feared and had many thoughts before giving a push..the real essence is that we need to overcome our fear for our betterment and for people around us also...parents..teachers and everyone around us helps us in many ways and helps us to move towards our goals..the only task left for us is to believe on our parents and teachers decision and be determined for our goals and dreams...


Khwaish said...

It was one of the childhood bedtime stories that my father used to tell me. Apart from a reminiscence it was very inspirational because whether we feel the need or not, but it is imperative that we get a push in life. Volunteers could be our parents or our peers or our '
innate wisdom ' because a push is what we need just before the finish line to complete the race of success. Not just getting it is important but also giving it it , so that the one in need also does better in life because we get more happiness in helping somebody climb the stairs than mounting yourself.The push might be a criticism or an advise which can change our life.
At last i would love to quote words by Dan Waldschmidt " Push yourself into the scary position where success is the only possibility "


Arun B. Prasad said...

Dear Sarthak, Saloni and Sonakshi,

Good to see that you guys are not the hardcore "commercialized" beings of the day.
Often we do not observe and learn from nature. The moment you are observant; in my experience you are ready for wisdom. Knowledge alone can give only Hiroshima & Nagasaki.

I wish Sonakshi's father had seen her post...Its a moving commentary on how great a role parents play in our lives...Inspiring!

Yes, as Saloni has stated; it is a different world when you start living dreams of others.

I have learnt so much from all of you :)
Thanks & Warm Regards,

Unknown said...

Respected sir,
First of all thank you very much for sharing these inspirational videos with us. Coming back to the video about THE PUSH which we need in our life so that we could realise why we are here on this earth and what are our goals and target in our life. 25-30 Years down the line some of us will the India's leading lawyers and some of us will be working in different MNC's, but for reaching at all these levels we need a PUSH in our life from our parents, teachers, friends and the day we get our push we would be successful in our life just like the eagles in the video, they just need a push to open their wing and fly high in the sky and when they got the required push by their parents they started flying high in the sky. So, what all we need is a PUSH which we can get anytime and which will reform our life.
Prateek Mittal.

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Unknown said...

Thanks for sharing this video. This is an amazing and a much needed video for all of us at this point of time . Motivation plays a very vital role in our journey of life and this video has beautifully defined that how a single ' PUSH ' can be a turning point of your life. And I think we all have this PUSH in us only , we just have to explore ourselves, have to eliminate our fear to come out with this PUSH . May many people will help us in eliminating our fear but the real PUSH can be bought from within only. So a single Push is the difference between where we are and where we want to be. .!!
Saloni Modi
Section C

Unknown said...

Inspirational and persuasive words from our parents are like the light switches.When they Speak a word of affirmation at the right moment in our life it’s like lighting up a whole room full of possibilities and hope.This holds true even for every other being who gives us the push to sustain,shine,and rise! #a great video#

Arun B. Prasad said...

Inspiring words from Saloni and Simrann..
The next time you are challenged, ask, whether this is a challenge or a 'Push' for something great waiting to happen.

Warm Regards,

Arun B. Prasad said...

Dear Prateek,
I like your vision of things to come.
Sky is the limit for those who open their wings!

Warm Regards,